assalamualaikum w. b. t
ok now talking about MY BROTHER SHOULD BE PROUD OF HER. you all must be asking who is HER???right???. the story begin like this
begini cerita nya. my kakak ipar boleh la juga dikatakan baru je convo as a PhD student in chemical engineering(polymer). hebatkan??. umur baru 30 kut. if im not mistaken la. sangat hebat. my kakak ipar ni convo as a student of USM(FK). transkrian. but event conve tu dekat USM pulau. macam mana la my akak tu belajar ye. sumpah la hebat. wondering to be like her one day. tapi tak minat chemistry la pulak. but who knows.
Allah's said:" boleh jadi sesuatu benda yang kita tak suke but actually its good for us and boleh jadi benda yang kita suka but actually its a bad for us"
mesti pernah dengar kan. so, just go through with the flow. because Allah dah ada perancangan untuk kita and that planning are very smooth. trust me.
so, for me dont be to sad with our result for now. maybe sekarang kita jatuh tergolek-golek macam dah nak masuk gaung. but then at last. we speed sampai keluar turbo bagai. then insyaAllah, Allah will give it juga. just wait for the miracle from Allah. from that moment you and i will be realise how meaningful the thankful word from our sincerely heart and we can say it with our own mouth with proud to HIM.
WARNING(untuk diri saya juga ya) : tapi kalau dah tergolek nak masuk gaung tu pandai-pandai muhasabah diri how to wake up again from the failure. find a new way to get study with smart. increase our ibadah. motivate diri sendiri to move on and dont ever give up sbb.....
"tidak beriman seseorang itu kalau mudah berputus asa"
if im not mistaken this ayat is from al-Quran but the real ayat is look alike above ayat
i think that is all for this entry. here, there are some picture from my kakak ipar konvokesyen in USM, Penang.
that is my sister and my first brother, along and their daughter, Damiya Aleesha
they are so cute small family
with her cute daughter
dedaa toodles..